Bentley Eldridge is a senior at Bainbridge High School. He fell victim to the MUN epidemic in freshman year and hasn’t questioned that decision since. Model UN “literally blew up” his life, since the various conferences he has attended vastly expanded his understanding of international politics, to the point of mental and spiritual enlightenment. The Great Flood of Knowledge, as he called the experience, then lead to an almost predestined opportunity to apply for the PACMUN Media Team. Right then and there, Bentley’s passions for MUN and cinematography merged into one frame. This would be his shot at redemption, having missed this opportunity many times in alternate universes. In his free time, Bentley enjoys boredom and the potential it holds. More often, however, you can find him rowing on the Bainbridge varsity rowing team, shooting music videos, and trying to break the norms of filmmaking. The excitement of this biography doesn’t stop here. To stay up to date with the chaos and cinematography in his life, follow @bentley.eldridge on Instagram.